Sunday, March 2, 2014

Hot Wheels Accelerator Laptop Customer Reviews

The cover is horribly small. I watch as my boys peep to see it. Then in my wrap there were no directions. We bought it out of state and could not restore it everyplace almost where we lived. We wrote for directions and never expected any. How unfair. And my boys love whatever thing hotwheels. My 15 year old has collected them perpetually so this was a BIG let down.
- barbedwire "Barbh"

I got this for my 9 yo son for Christmas and he loves it!!! The cover is small but the games are outstanding! The cover looks be fond of the adjoin of a race car and that impressed him. To him, it's a mainframe computer and he can take it anywhere. This is definitely a game to make a child reflect and participate so he's not sitting around vegetating on a mindless computer game all day. The games he has played so far are challenging but fun. I have played a few of them with him and I have enjoyed it too. I also be fond of that I can get an AC adapter for it and extension cards to add or enhance the games already there. I would say this is a good investment in supplementing my child's culture.
- dawkan "dawkan"

I am 6 years old and I actually be fond of this laptop. Even though the cover is small, I be fond of it and I can see it very skilled. Here are bags of sports meeting to mess about on it. I tenderness all about it!
- barbedwire "Barbh"

The LCD cover on this toy is too small. You can't see the cover at all and the pledge is dreadful. It has splendid facial appearance and wonderful sports assembly, but you actually can't play them and enjoy them with the display life so small.
- S. Clay

I was practically disappointed when I expected the hot wheels culture pad. THe cover is in this area the size of a confidence card The few sports assembly it offers makes Atari (from the 80"s) look high tech. Just not calculated well.
- Karen Pacini

Hot Wheels Accelerator Laptop

outcome's laptop

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