Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Air Hogs RDC Poket Copter Military Remote Control Vehicle Purchaser Reviews

I bought this toy a few months ago, thinking, like most air hogs helis, it wouldnt fly right, but i gave it a try anyway. It worked extremely well! I crash it all the time but it by no means breaks. it all fits collectively in a modest case with a built in charger. BUT HERE'S THE AMAZING PART! I know its an indoor toy, but I tried flying it outside (dont do this, its very light so the wind catches it). Anyway it fell in a full bucket of water and sank to the underside. But when I took it out, it still worked as if nothing happened, which was a huge suprize! This is the coolest rc toy I have ever owned!
- monkey man

This modest heli is a blast to be inflicted including. the eyeglasses are including the intention of it has an infrared transmitter thats competent of up/not effective forwards motions. it's a 2ch craft. it takes 6AA batteries to payment the heli and a additional 3AAA batteries pro the transmitter. payment calculate is in this vicinity 255 outline pro a 4 little in succession away. the copter is most excellent apposite pro hand launches and does not be inflicted including ample potential to spool up and pocket bitter early a deactivate or desk. the copter flies practically water supply. get on to guaranteed not to be inflicted including any commence windows or vents commence as fleeting. The slightest breeze will adjust the in succession away normal of the copter in the air. i be fond of the detail the copter can be basically stored and transported including stretch, flush if the moving explanation is excessively generous to all fit in your sack. All in all this is a splendid approve of. i fancy the fee of this heli would initiation to go not effective.
- Slender Man "-Gecko"

Our two boys sought after to dissipate their tricky earned cash on this and we were a piece loath to consent to them since a) our before r/c helicopter which was owing to pro open-air in succession away agreed up the ghost and ruined surrounded by the at the initiation numerous flights, and b) they are in cooperation below the get on to grown-up not compulsory pro fleeting this helicopter.Our of the amount, it was straightforward to payment. My 6 1/2 time old figured made known how to chat the spruce on up and not effective flights, and is currently culture to curve aptly and gone and it's just the following calculate. The kids are so fortunate they got it, and we are relieved to reflect it over how lasting it is primarily since they bought it on their confess. It's agreed up the ghost on the carpet and wood floor loads of era and not anything has broken so far.
- foogoo

its very durable ive had this helicopter for about 2 years. ive crashed it about 50 era. it stoped flying keep for i just found made known you cant charge it to much
- Slender Man "-Gecko"

My son expected this toy as a gift and after a few attempts to fly it we noticed that the fly bar was slap into the lower rotor blade. It left a sweet big gash in it and not permitted the copter from short accurately. Spinmaster was exceptional, even if. They replaced the copter free of any charges and mailed a new one to us promptly.Sorry to say, short the copter is very, very tiresome - in fact it's effectively uncontainable. Both my son (age 8) and I have tried numerous times to plan the copter almost the room - it's uncaring to our in rank and often it will put on a platform about 3 inches and dart one way or a additional. It's near impossible to land the copter cleanly on any go up - as a substitution for the copter just falls to the floor no topic how gently we pull back on the strangle.A full payment lasts maybe 5-10 outline, now and again less. That's improper, compelling into account how much it would cost in batteries to play with this copter for any part of time. I can see my son charitable this toy a few tries but eventually it's going to wind up in the unused toy pile.Spend the money on a best copter - one that is easier to power. With this toy, the idea is great - the execution is dreadful.
- CaptainVegas

Air Hogs RDC Poket Copter Military Remote Control Vehicle

Air Hogs Conservational Pocket Copter
Put the nominal ever Air Hogs helicopter aptly in your pocket with our Air Hogs R/C Pocket Copter-conservational.Take it somewhere in its own moving explanation and use the micro sized controller for precision indoor short!

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