Saturday, November 2, 2013

Tekno the Robotic Puppy - Silver Shopper Reviews

Tekno the Robotic Puppy - Silver Shopper ReviewsWe purchased this pro our four time ancient child including conception favorable reviews on a additional shopping locate.What a disappointment. Tekno doesn't do half the equipment promised on the packaging. We've replaced the batteries, followed the directions to a T, and tried their consumer benefit outline (which everlastingly seems to be a strip adage "All representatives are unavailable, delight taste ended again before long." no theme as you encourage).So... consumer benefit is non-extant AND you can't restore him to the pile. It says aptly in the education booklet, "This manufactured goods cannot be returned pro a refund including it has been unpacked and old." How do you admit it doesn't bring about in anticipation of you take out and taste it????In fleeting, keep your cash. This lone is a genuine loser.

For the first week, a few of the features worked. It did not do much of what the advertising claimed. Function declined rapidly, so we tried all new batteries. New batteries did not help. Surrounded by a month, it did nothing but get on to a small barking blast as you flipped the on switch. It was a complete disappointment.
- Rachael Benton

I kindness Tekno Badger because he's really be fond of a genuine puppy! He is so good-natured and emotinal only be fond of my badger. As I yield Tekno his bone or sphere he really seems to take pleasure in playing including me, including the intention of makes me believe appreciated flush if he is a robot.
- Denice Lovelace

My 6 year old daugher asked for Tekno puppy for Christmas. I told her no, as I didn't reflect she would be reliable sufficient for an high-priced toy be fond of Tekno. At that calculate she pulled the Santa license on me and I was stuck. In check over of the fact that she is a exact animal nut, and we can't have a dog aptly now, I stanch that Santa would oblige her and get it for her.Of way they were sold out and tricky to discover. I everlastingly establish one that was spotted be fond of a dalmation. We got it, and in cooperation hubby and I impatiently waited for Christmas to see the preview on her face!!Christmas daylight she is of way ecstatic. It took my indigent husband accurate to an hour to get the business out of the box. I modest divulging him "Honey, that kind of foreign language shouldn't be old on Christmas" even as ear muffing the kids. Everlastingly he took it out to his garage so he may maybe take it apart and curse at will lacking modest ears around.Everlastingly he gets it out, and at at the initiation it's sweet cool, his eyes set alight, he whines, he pants, he wiggles,(as most excellent as a plastic dog can) we're all charmed, primarily my daughter, that is in anticipation of she tries to toss the ball and get Tekno to chase it. The cash-building makes it look be fond of the dog will fetch the ball (apparantly this was the big selling top for my outcome) and he doesn't. Tekno got not so fun aptly with that.We noticed that Tekno doesn't walk so splendid. So, we map its the carpet and put him on the tile. Nope. He solely sucks at on foot. We made him do his modest tricks, and we may maybe not get him to bring to a standstill a lot of the era. The sensors don't bring about water supply. I everlastingly got so frustrated with the composition he was dancing to (he cycled owing to three songs I reflect) I slammed him not working. (oops) He shut up even if.Of way, I was righ and my daughter at sea the diffident the at the initiation day. She insisted on taking it to Grandmas and I reflect it got swept up with paper and tossed out. Always in check over of the fact that THEN Tekno has been SUPER lame. He's now in my daugthers opportunity, twisted off. We got tired of examination him drone, and tiresome to walk and persons infernal flappy ears.Do not buy this.
- Bign2reading "aisysmom"

did a lot of investigate with the two different automatic dog and even planning the robo dog does many more tricks I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old and the robo dog looked like it could break easily and reviews stated that there was a problem in the back leg. At x-mass we bought both dogs and decided to keep Tekno even planning he did not do as many tricks.Pros: Tekno is sturdy and can take a beating :)For young children under 5 Tekno is a splendid start on teaching responsibility. His remote is easy to use and tekno is easy to take care of. I have not had the vex with equipment not effective even if ours has not found a confront and gone to take a nap we turn it off at nighttime. So far he does the tricks that are said he will do (he gets lice a lot though and you have to give him a bath daily) and it is cute how excited my children get when we get home and as soon as tekno hears us he is walking/barking in our direction and wagging his tail in excitement.The kids love him and love to pet him. My son said that it is a lot of hard work compelling car of a puppy and until he is equipped tekno will due (age 4)Cons-He barks and whines like a true 8 week old puppy and will not grow from that into an adult. SO if you are a stay home mom all day long the barking can get a little demoralizing ( I tend to ignore and it does not bother me but my mother came over and said " Yup that is just like a yippee toy poodle." which she hates.)on the commercial you see the kid throwing the ball and tekno walking with it, it does not get its own ball. You have to hold it up to the backtalk and then let go a link of era. Not as much fun as a real puppy even the kids wished it was able to play more with is demanding on affection like a puppy. My kids have to pet it a lot or it will at a snail's pace makes its way to them does not move fast or turn quickly.( but it does get to everywhere it needs to go and follows noise. It is a slow process. To make it from one part of my household to a additional takes it � a day.It is a pain to get out of the box you will need wire cutters and might. And it is not refundable if you do not like it. I force have taken it back and gotten a real puppy if it weren't for my kids diminishing in love with it.Over all for young children it is a significance. Robo dog is more suited for 5 and up it does a lot more tricks like rolling over and sitting. But I read reviews about a problem with the back leg and when we went to the store to play with one it had the problem and all the guy did was go get a new one out of the box for their demo. SO keep that in mind with that one. I do not know many public who can keep inane and buying new robot dogs because of a faulty leg.all together my sons terms " it doesn't do everything a puppy would but i love him any way. It is just the way God made him!"I guess the bottom line is it is a robot pick the best one for your age amount all have faults if you want it to do everything a dog would get a dog.
- kelly

It took us about 15 summary to set free Tekno from his Chinese prison (you need some tools for this). You basically have to end the carry case/wrap - this is a very poor design. Then it took us reasonably a while to get Tekno to "reply" and even more time to get him to work by the book. We hung in there, and after a lot more time and frustration, we everlastingly figured out how to get him to do his tricks. Sorry to say, by the time we had accomplished this my 7 year old had lost appeal. The "tricks" are reasonably unadorned and not very interesting. My son has not touched the toy once in view of the fact that Christmas. This toy was a big disappointment and a complete waste of money.
- P. J. Guida "toybuyer5"

This toy does not work at all. None of the feature work well. We put in strain new batteries in both the toy and the remote, and it did not improve its performance. This toy has sat on the hearth ever since Christmas, almost completely unused by my 5-year-old. Sorry to say, we are unable to return it to Amazon as we threw away the packaging, and the only response we get from Amazon is a form-type send by e-mail that we cannot reply to.
- A. Blacker

I bought this product as a gift for Christmas. Truly disappointing! First, it was a major fly over just getting this thing out of the box. The whole process took about 40 synopsis or so. But then, the pre-installed batteries did not work in either the dog or the remote. So, off to a local pharmacy to buy batteries. After the new batteries were installed, the product twisted on but did not work as was claimed. The remote does not work at all and it seems that the dog just walks back and forth. If you guess anything more from this toy, it's a bad investment.
- Ella's mom "Mom"

I like the puppy, it's cute, but my daughter prefers Lucky. Lucky also has hair and looks more like a genuine dog. Tekno can't really do any tricks, just walk, talk and eat a fake bone. The remote is silly, not many orders besides what I just told you about. I would have to display Lucky is the better deal, he can do all kinds of tricks and responds to his first name. Tekno has a 8 week old puppy personality and that doesn't lend to much cooperation, so we're not flush sure he works by the book. The packaging is horrible to open! It took three guys to get on to that sucker made known!
- Motherof'emAll "MoM9"

Delight don't be fooled by this toy and it's description. There is not anything ( not a thing ) about this toy that is AI. It is austerely a RC contrivance, not anything more.What with the recent concentration, and popularity, of AI ( reproduction acumen ) robots, this toy tries to cash in on the craze.Don't be misled. Unlike the truly AI fossil by Ugobe, Pleo, this puppy is austerely a diffident controlled toy. Yes, he barks and walks, etc - but not except you press a button directing it to do so. That is NOT what AI is about.The definite chief in AI robots for the consumer is Sony, with it's outstanding AIBO. Appearance in at approximately two grand, when it was available, it truly represented what AI and good brainwashing can bring... a robot which ages and has it's own personality based on your interaction with it. This Tekno pet, is a poor, poor use instead.Following in the AI automatic promote, is the Ugobe Pleo, and that also has some very good AI, and at approximately 300 dollars ( as of 2008 ), it's a big investment, but more than worth the price.Do not waste your money on this toy, which is austerely a diffident controlled item. I own both an AIBO and a Pleo, and was looking for a lower end addendum to my robot family of pets - what I got was a RC toy, NOT an AI robot.Additionally, as a side note - the packaging of the Tekno is primarily trying to open. I understand the need for theft-proof packaging, but this went above and further than what is de rigueur and promptly turned into a mess of plastic debris, cut wraps, screwdriver indifferent screws and cardboard.
- turtlex "turtlex"

Tekno the Robotic Puppy - Silver Detail View

Tekno the Robotic Puppy - Silver

All's pet automatic pet is in trade, and better than always including a newer top, and simplified software and facial appearance! This good-natured pup expresses his moods through fit alight-up eyes and body language. Only mind his ears and eyes - they'll consent to you know how he's suspicion. Tekno Badger reacts to sound, notice and in tears, and obeys several telephone logic-top secret instructions. He walks forwards, backward, aptly and left, moves his head, and wags his tail as he's fortunate. Extra and superior on foot dynamism gives him charming, lifelike passage, and attractive sensors allow him to mess about including his sphere and chomp on his bone. Requires 4 "AA" batteries and 3 "AG13" batteries (not built-in). Measures 13" x 10". Markings could contrast.

1 comment:

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