Saturday, September 14, 2013

Punchout Arcade game User Review

Punchout Arcade game User Review
Ah, yes. Punch Out. Such a cool boxing/puzzle title for the NES. It's so great to see the arcade classic come back to the Wii. What? Didn't know it was released in arcades? Before the NES version in fact? Well, it just so happens to be that.The game is as simplistic as you'd probably expect if you've played any Punch Out title. You dodge and punch the opponent. There's just a little problem with this arcade original, though. The control feels a bit stiff. It might take some getting used to if you had always played the NES version, with its smoother control and all.But on the plus side, it's still Punch Out. And to top it off, you get gorgeous-looking graphics and neat voice effects (Although they get slightly repetitive).
- Jack-of-All Games

Punchout Arcade game Button

Punchout Arcade game shown are of the exact machine you will be getting.A first-person perspective boxing game where you fight six boxers in the ..

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