Saturday, February 22, 2014

Black-Hasbro i-Cat Robotic Music Loving Feline Customer Reviews

Yes, unlike I dog this is still working but doesn't do much, sound is too soft to hear as speaker but does purr so we know its working!
- Nora E. Schwartzmartin

My 6 yr old son had been asking for an iDog for Christmas..I approved it and when it at home...oh my..I didn't grasp its real size! but after only a few synopsis with it..partner and I just fell in love with it! had both of us unreliable with joy..cuz I know my son is gonna love it! they're INTO their iPods aptly now! and I approved the amp'd for my 4 yr old and the dalmation as well! now I got the iCat for for myself! it purrs when you pet it and even gets grouchy and hisses if you mess with her tail! I giggle everytime!..I categorically love it! they're lovable to mind! I'm gift-charitable these out left and aptly this christmas!
- J. Barrera "PrOuDMoMMyof2"

Even if my son enjoyed this toy in the hour with he opened it, he has only just played with it in view of the fact that. Plugged into the MP3 player, it wasn't loud ample to hear. With a CD player, we may maybe hear it, but the signal was terrible. It is a cute idea, but not well executed.
- Just a Mom

i tenderness the way it is so be fond of a genuine cat. as you scratch him aptly not extra than the ears he any plays composition of his confess or purrs. if he likes the composition he will dance. if he desires concentration the middle of his face will blink, the extra he desires concentration the faster he will blink. if he desires composition he will do the constant save pro the blink will be desolate. the best thing is with the intention of he will mess about my composition out loud.(written by 9 time ancient daughter)
- Diane Davis

My daughter (11yr) got this for her birthday to go by the side of with her new mp3 player. She loves it. We crack up when the cat hisses after his tail is played with. She and her friends all have i-animals now and love to go into a rec room turn off the lights and dance to the flashing lights on the critters. LOL I highly urge it for 10 and above.
- Cheyenne

So CUTE!! It works great. The speakers are a bit low, but it subdue works for work and for my younger siblings.
- J. Celmer "lov2catnap"

I opened this (which caused a nasty cardboard paper cut - why must they make it so irritating to open) and ongoing before a live audience with it at home. My one cat was very unusual.I enjoyed it so much that I planning I'd need to buy a following i-Cat so I could have one at work and one at home. Then, I decided I'd buy an i-Dog and thrash them out from time to time to have one at home and one at work.Sorry to say, all the reviews I read talked about how quiet the i-Cat is. I planning that was exact, since I wanted to use it at work and didn't need (or even WANT) it to be loud. I didn't find it too quiet at home, though it is a bit odd to power the number only by the iPod.The reviews I had read left out a link key nitty-gritty about why this toy is dreadful for a work background.1. You can't chat the number (or turn off) the sounds the i-Cat makes when you turn it on & off.2. You can't turn down the number the cat makes when buzz or scratching.3. When you mute the i-Cat it ONLY mutes the music and makes it start buzz or making other noises.4. You can't take note to the i-Cat without it tender almost.5. When the i-Cat moves almost it makes a LOT of noise as it does so (sort of a robot passage sound very near - like gears tender...).So, the i-Cat didn't even last half a day at work. It will be taken home and I'll buy a additional (more "normal") lecturer for work, since my speakers I was using there have died and are crackling too much now.Very sad, but I work in a professional background and can't have weird sounds appearance from my personnel all the time. As I was packing it up, my boss came by to give me a touch. I explained why the i-Cat was going home and she said, "Oh, is THAT what I was hearing all day?" Her personnel is on the other side of our department, but she heard it...
- K. Vancko "Broadway Baby"

I expected this for Christmas days gone by (12/24/07). I found it to be a cute, fun little toy with the intention of even developed ups would enjoy. I've read additional reviews argumentative about how tricky it is to shut it off. I've had no problems with with the intention of. You only hold not effective the nose pin for 2 seconds. The i-cat will make a shut off blast, waggle its have control ended, then turn off. For those who say it's loud and irritating and won't shut up, you can tap the tail switch, and it will go in silent mode for 5 minutes (but the i-cat will growl at you for doing it, which I planning was funny). Even as the i-cat is on, if you don't use it for an hour, it will shut off automatically. It purrs as you touch the sensors under its ears. I've found the number to be a little low as by my mp3 player with it, but as I plugged it into my portable CD player, the number was greatly higher. I estimate it depends on what listening contrivance you use. The i-cat also reacts to music played from an outside source, be fond of a stereo. It wiggles its ears, moves its have control ended, and displays a cute set alight show. It even reacted to the sounds on my TV! The copy cat diversion (a bit be fond of Simon) is fun to try.All in all, I'd say it's a kind little music belt.
- Yitatasuni

I purchased two of these kitties after considering the I-dog in action for a co-worker. They are so cute! My Ipod works well with it, only down fall is that the audio is very low. Its not too bad since I use it at work and I dont' want the audio too loud any. For a cute toy, its worth the cash. I also got one as a gift for my sister, she loves her's too.
- Murf63 "Murf63"

ICAT is a fund equipped to set the aptly moves, or so it must. With or lacking the built-in cable ICAT can be used. Press anywhere one of the sensors are to cooperate with it, once sad the nose area. ICAT begins to reply, and users can start the sound of a turntable, by creasing its face. ICAT can play a matching game. Give this fund lots and lots of composition, or it will be come sad. ICAT has moods, and meows!Mind the unreliable colors on its face. If you see one affect, you'll know ICAT is feeling a certain way!ICAT is not easy to turn off, which may maybe be frustrating, for some. Here is not a predictable shut off pin, or batter. All most all commands come from critical ICAT's nose, in different variations!
- jrtsjukejoint

Black-Hasbro i-Cat Robotic Music Loving Feline

i-CAT entertains you with expressive movements and flashing LED lights with the intention of exchange affect.

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