Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Disney Princess Sing-Along Mp3 Princess Microphone User Reviews

The title says it all. The sound feature is terrible. You hear more white blast than your accent. Also, as far away as I can tell, there is single 1 song built in. So lacking attaching an MP3 player, you are exceptionally top bolt from the blue. Definitely not worth the expense.
- Shelley

After ordering this manufactured goods wesaw this akin item at toys r us for less money and we were sweet disappointed with the way the lecturer sounds. We grasp this is a kids toy but for a touch you are held to sing along with it would be nice to here the song plainly.
- Treavor Williams

My daughter plays with this all the calculate. We got it for her for Christmas and it gets played with constantly. She loves singing in it. It'd be kind if here was a number pin for parents. ;-) The mp3 connect facility well too. The single con I'd bring up for others is with the intention of here's single one song pre-biased on here, and it's a present translation of one of Aurora's songs.
- Janine Santangelo

Bought this for my daughter for Christmas and after two weeks it already broke. There is more static then no matter what thing. The song that's build in is loud but when hooking up the music or trying to take note to her sing is was to quiet.I ended up getting her a uncommon one already, it was a waste of money.
- alex

The signal as you sing has really indigent qualityand the number is excessively lowI would not urge ir
- L. J. Martinez "LJM"

At the start off I will say that I cannot rip the manufactured goods since it does what it says it does. I will add that I must have done more conception before to I got this for my 3 year daughter. At the start off if you are schooling to get this for your outcome so they can sing by the side of with the "built in" princesses dont dissipate your cash and look for a additional manufactured goods. The item has one built in song that you can say is more like a take in song and not an first.Now with that out of the way I can say that if you have an superfluous MP3 player laying around this microphone may be aptly up your path. You can put all the disney princess songs on the MP3 player, plug it in and your outcome can sing in anticipation of her sensitivity is make fortunate. The plug in end as others have confirmed may maybe have been a modest best calculated as a 3 year old may end up damaging it. All in all it facility but the manufactured goods enter up is ambiguous. I would have given it 2 stars but my own ignorance led to this hold.
- Kwesdog

My daughter {3} received this as a gift for her birthday & it is TERRIBLE! The composition is distorted & you can't even understand her accent when she sings into it. Dissipate an extra $10 & get the nicer one with the stand! I threw this away since it was so loud & awful.
- tabatha johnson "tabjohnson"

Gave this to my 3-time-old for a Christmas gift yesterday. I want to restore it but can't win over her we could get on to better. Of course the quality is poor, but it works... the problem is that it says you get on to to sing-along with your favorite Disney songs and that is a huge lie. So far as we can caution the single song it the stage is a terrible rock translation of "Upon a Dream" starting Sleeping Beauty. No problem, the mp3 player does work, but I never proposed for my daughter to use that (I don't really want to let her play with my mp3 player!) So, it works, she thinks it is kind of cool, but if I had my choice I'd restore it and discover something else that works better.
- kiramaysmama

I bought this pro my 7 year ancient daughter (an aspirant singer). Including it was delivered, I just unboxed it, gift-wrapped it and blocked it under the ranking pro Christmas. My daughter opened it an loves it, thank goodness. The sound feature of this toy is AWFUL. I think I expected at least the sound of her accent appearance owing to the microphone slightly pro no. "Slightly enlarged" was assess, the sound bent is barely louder than her singing accent, save pro my biggest dissapointment is including the intention of her accent sounds like is is appearance owing to the WORSE lecture PA logic you could possibly always suppose. I am a singer and did not expect the feature you would discover appearance early a genuine feature microphone. Though, the sound appearance early the microphone is ear-bleeding terrible. I am going to get her a different microphone including the intention of she can actually sing on. Be strict including this toy if you don't like appalling sounding blast!
- Adwoa Tacheampong "Adwoa"

My daughter is three and absolutely loves this toy. She the stage with it all the time. The single negative comment I have is that the MP3 adapter (long strong with adapter on the end) cannot be removed. The string can be pushed back through the hole in the bottom of the microphone but since the actual adapter hangs made known of the bottom of the toy, it gets pulled back made known all the time. We've single had the toy for a week but since it gets used so much, my worry is that the adaptor will eventually break off since it can't be removed or stored.
- Jaime "Jaimes"

Disney Princess Sing-Along Mp3 Princess Microphone

DISNEY Sing-Along Princess Microphon

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