Friday, January 24, 2014

Can You Imagine Pocket Plasma with Clip, Green Recent Reviews

If you are a light freak or you aspire to initiation a Borg ambiance in your opportunity this is a exact manufactured goods pro you, LOVE IT!!! :-)
- Martin

My brother diplomacy to incorporate this doohickey, somehow, into a steampunk furnish. He says it is just the aptly size.
- Wrasfish

Ok, so I'm a Trek nerd. Years ago, I bought a larger cousin to this device (called a Lumin Disk), and when I proverb this little beauty I had to have it -- in green, of course!It's important to remember that 2 of these units can perform extremely differently starting one another. For example, unlike the one in the reviewer video, mine seems bent on creating a thick "whisk broom" outer end of the "lightning" bolts at all times (in constant-on manner), whereas the one in the video review is much cleaner looking, with the lightning presented in a more modest and random create.Unfortunately, there are no adjustments on the product (single a slide switch for off/on/sound modes). It's possible that display behavior could be altered by modifying internal circuitry (e.g., output drive level), but I suspect variety is primarily due to tolerances in pellet phosphor coatings and hence behavior cannot be altered in a given element.The sound manner is nicely implemented. I had a guinea pig.. er! I mean a relative sit about 4 feet gone starting the element and converse in in a normal voice. The device triggered appropriately, so it has a reasonably insightful mic but isn't overdone to the point where minute SPL's (Sound Pressure Levels) trigger it.If one gently runs his/her fingernail over the relatively smooth case, the display is active pretty much the entire time the finger is in budge, so it's likely the element would be generating "lightning" most of the time it's in budge and attached by way of its metal clip. I house of protection't tried on foot almost with it attached to myself, as that wasn't my purpose in buying it. Sensitivity drops markedly as batteries drain.I gave it 4 stars for durability because it's a fairly thick chunk of schooner which seems like it would handle a fall starting a decent height onto carpet -- hard surfaces like wood floors or particular I have my doubts about. Also, the battery cover is held on by two screws (nice!). The manufacturer, however, doesn't seem overly in no doubt, as they provide a meager 45 time warranty.I rated it a 2 on educational value because, well, just looking at the thing doesn't caution you much about the physics behind it, and the included manual doesn't delve into theory, either.There's definitely a fun factor linked with this item. The novelty wears off soon enough, but it can be mesmerizing if one is tired and stares at it too long.. tooo.. looonnggg... (((@@))) whoa! hey! ok, I'm back.I suppose one could hook it up to a 3VDC wall wart (AC adapter) and run it all nighttime, if one were inclined to do so -- unfortunately, there's no adapter jack, so one would need to solder the adapter wires to the battery terminals or use small alligator clips (in cooperation of which would likely void the too-short warranty).As I mentioned, I have a larger disk and, in the end, if you've seen one, you've seen 'em all. After the initial "wow, so cool, never-proverb-it-before" factor wears off, size becomes the most impressive feature of these disks (be they huge or tiny ones like this develop).For those who won't be using it in artsy projects -- the green one would be perfect for a Borg regeneration chamber diorama -- its lasting value comes primarily starting impressing people who house of protection't seen a Lumin Disk up accurate and personal and/or those who house of protection't seen it miniaturized to such a degree and through portable.I suppose these small ones would also look great near (or inside?) lecturer cabinets -- Boogie Borg? er.. yeah.. Anyway, I enjoy mine and will probably order more for various projects or to give as gifts.
- AmaZoned

It's a cool gift I gave to my teenage child. It arrived at this calculate a calculate before long then the 2-calculate shipping, and here's a small scrape on the adjoin, keep for it's still skilled and he likes it.
- FairLady

Part:: 1:26 MinsHere I'm screening bitter the two Plasma Discs I bought for fit props. Desire this in rank fills in a modest of the gaps.
- Michael E. "Michael"

Just expected and fired up the conservational "sack plasma" contrivance.I bought this as a test-handbook for some SFX I'm needing for a steampunk prop, and wasn't in the family tree way much to be reliable.Well, it blew me away. The sight is astute and bracing, the patterns sweet much like what you see on the depiction. I was absolutely bowled over by just how impressive this low-priced modest gem is. The signal-to-set alight map is primarily neat (even if I hadn't projected to use that fastidious map I am now excitedly wondering how to incorporate it into my prop).Admittedly it's ahead of schedule days. If the contrivance fails to live up to my at the initiation impressions of it I'll come back and say so.[EDIT] I've obtained numerous of these bits and pieces now and I've establish that the "static" sight can vary momentously, from a very arresting lightning look to a less arresting "hair-like" halo. The look is all ears on all of them by introduction fingers on the dinghy of way, but when the sight is too "busy" for your go I recommend switching to signal-actuated mode, which gives a uncommon and practically arresting look. The vagaries of the tolerances of the have fun electronic gears must play a generous part in the closing look, I reflect. Having said that, only one out of the six I bought showed the "overly busy" sight. [/EDIT]The contrivance consists of a sandwich of dinghy discs enclosing a colorless gridwork, in a roundabout way which the conservational lightning-like discharges arc. These can be unnatural by introduction your fingers on the disc to pull towards you the streaks of "lightning".The dinghy disc gathering is everlastingly mounted to a box of electronics, which is in this area 2.5 inches check and in this area an inch thick. You'll need two triple A batteries to potential it up, and a microscopic Phillips-head screwdriver to open the array screened-off area. Don't over-tense up the screws when you put the lid back on. A batter on the top of the box turns the unit on and selects signal mode or relentless sight.The box has a belt/sack clip on the back. In my attitude the electronics box makes clipping this to a shirt sack impractical.I be going to some warranty-voiding pranks to incorporate this contrivance into a better prop, so I won't be by that map.[EDIT 1/18/13] I did to be sure incorporate this contrivance into the "Aethero-Galvanic Exciter" for my steampunk ray-gun "Colonel Moran's Aetheric Neuralizer", everywhere its sight is visual confirmation that the potential-give protection relay has actuated and the equipment in the gun itself now have potential (so if they aren't effective here's a real conundrum and not just a flat array).I sight the prop with the disc in full, glorious proceedings, and it by no means fails to draw clear comment, and I took at the initiation prize in the attire contest for which I built the prop. The visual depression of what is in actuality a bunch of pipe equipment and a stilted box is only due to the sight of the Lumin Disc and that of the plasma look in the raygun. My steampunk prop looks like it facility, and that is value each penny I paid for the disc.[/EDIT]I'm inane to buy more of these.
- Stephen Mann

I bought two of these for an effect and both of them ruined without much use and wear.I'm torn to review any higher than a 2-star, even though it worked great even as it did.
- Edward Freeman

I am idea about export a additional nor for a machinate. Approximately of my acquaintances have seen it and aspire one too. It looks greatly cooler in nature. I be fond of that the glass is thick and feels water supply-built. Value each dime!
- D. Kauble

Purchased the conservational ones in check over of the fact including the intention of they were Cheever at that calculate the others & pleased I saved the superfluous $10 for every cut. The conservational is neat & looks cool. Purchased as stocking stuffers pro 10, 13, 14, 16 yr ancient boys. They liked them! I liked at that calculate excessively!Signal/accent activated is the most excellent. All preforms splendid. No complaints. deposit on't reflect they are value $20 tho... Maybe $10-$15 tops.
- Mom of3

Super cool. Pretty neat how the electric current reacts to your voice. Bought this for 3 eight time old boys. I have one warning, if you drop it on a tricky go up it will no longer work. I would expect that though.
- Steve P

Can You Imagine Pocket Plasma with Clip, Green

Wow! Lightening seems to flash and dance inside a clear schooner disc. Luminglas transforms electric current into a stunning visual display. Nothing like this somewhere... and to add drama to the display, the accompanying sound response feature has the set alight pulsating in sync to music, voice, or hand clapping with no wires. You can also create an interactive set alight show by simply touching the schooner and gathering the set alight on your fingertiips.

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