Friday, January 10, 2014

Michigan fans react to Alabama's Doug Nussmeier: 'You steal Da'Shawn (Hand ...


Alabama offensive coordinator coach Doug Nussmeier tracks his offense during Alabama's Sugar Bowl preparation on Saturday, Dec. 21, 2013, at the Hank Crisp Indoor Facility in Tuscaloosa, Ala. (Vasha Hunt/

Alabama offensive coordinator Doug Nussmeier has accepted the offensive coordinator position at Michigan, according to multiple reports.

Nussmeier would replace Al Borges, who was fired earlier Wednesday.

Check out how some of the Michigan fans reacted to the news, via

"HOMERUN!!!" - Obe1ball

"We got him because of Saban taking all of the credit. He wasn't going to get his proper due under Saban. Now the Offense is all his, Brady'll leave him alone and let him work.Plus Brandon ponied-up." - Obe1ball

"Michigan is a better job than Alabama lol. Welcome to Michigan!" -Maize and Blue 32 KOVACS

"Can we get Alabama's offensive line coach, too?" - Juno4

"Great hire! I do feel bad for Big Al, but you can't argue with this trade. He runs exactly the type of offense UM wants. Now the question becomes, is Funk going to be retained or is a new O-line coach on the way as well? I hope Nussmeier has a say in that decision." - AZWolverine1

"Welcome to Michigan football coach Doug Nussmeier!Enjoy the jump from one good team to the greatest college football team in history, with the biggest fan base and greatest support in America. Salute." - Terry_Star21

"You steal Da'Shawn so we steal Nussmeier." -Maize and Blue 32 KOVACS

"Good Luck to Big Al. Go Blue! This is going to help our recruiting and without a doubt an upgrade on the offensive side of the ball. Couldn't make a bigger splash than this." - King Blue 1

"I just hope he's able to have some southern pulls with recruits. That would be amazing." - Cactapus

"Bama loses its final 2 games of the season and now their OC. I bet the stills are working overtime!" - SouperStar

"Younger guy with a positive history. Great hire." - GoBlueFla

"This guy is gonna make Borges look like a pee wee league coach." - Sportsmaster1

"Just remember Borges came from the SEC too but I have a feeling this time it will work out." -Souperstar

"Great hire...At a minimum, this guy will bring the discipline and process learned from being around a great program....and Hoke won't get in his way since he just likes to coach the d-line." - R3S

"This appears to be a solid hire. Unlike most fans posting here, though, I won't be happy until and unless I see results on the field. Suggested new team rule: no celebrating until AFTER you get a three and out." - blusouth

"So Michigan is SO irrelevant, the Bama OC left arguably the best program in CFB to coach at MEEECHIGAN." - Riverraisin

"Bama fans were upset at 2 losses this year, and the OC gets lots of blame. That's the difference in our present standards, though. Bama thinks 2 losses is cause for firing, we would be ecstatic with 2 losses, as in 2011." - juno4

"'s amazing what money can do. Why would anyone leave Alabama to save Hoke's hide?" - Lionslament

"To funny. Bama fans whining over a 11-2 season. I am absolutely excited about this Nussmeier hiring. Meanwhile, the Tide heads towards more sanctions with Lane Muffin." - TCFlint

"In all seriousness, this is a great hire. He has been with Saban for a few years, he has seen what goes on behind Bama doors and how Saban(the best College football coach ever) handles situations, and how he devolops recruits. I hope he spreads the knowledge wealth." - Hoke'sHeadSet


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