Monday, October 28, 2013

LeapFrog LeapReader Junior Book Pal - Violet Reviews

My 2 year old LOVES this! And I can by now think it over including the intention of it has great education the makings. BUT... as several be inflicted including mentioned by now - the memories is a foremost disappointment. I can release all fit 4 books on ours, so I've by now had to rub made known the enjoyable sampler tome it came including, and don't think it over any top in export extra if I only be inflicted including to rub made known old ones. Including the intention of would look to be a foremost flaw in their marketing - don't they WANT us to dissipate extra cash on the books??? They're not only so low-expense, keep for I would indeed keep mind to our store if they would all fit on the contrivance.
- Lily Delaney

I got my son this for his 1st birthday at 13 months he started by it. He geta a kick made known of it and imitates what he hears. I would recommended this to anyone, just remember you recognize your confess child and if they are not into technology I would be cautious
- sail4life

My son likes his little conception pal - my only complaint is that you have to take the extra steps to download a new book when you get it, and that the pal only lets you have 5 books on it at a time - come on, folks, don't be cheap - reminiscence isn't that expensive and given the price of this item they really could have made the capacity at least double that.Would have gotten 5 stars if you could have gotten more books on there. And btw, the book that comes with the pal is just a glorified advertisement - IMO, you shouldn't call it a book if it's just a pool of page samples from other books. No regard there, but nonetheless the leap tag junior book pal is a nice little toy that's value read-through out.
- prepgal

I like the concept that Leap frog came up with I just wish they would have warned me that violet has a very small hard guide. You have to go to the leapfrog connect software in order to download the content for the books. I purchased two books, the flash cards, and the set of books that teaches vowels. The set of vowel books comes with six separate books. I may possibly not download all of the books from the set and download the other books I purchased. The software will not let you download one or two books out of the set. it is all six or none at all. So I may possibly only download the two books and the flash cards. If I want my daughter to read the other books I have to hook Violet back up to the computer and remove some books off of the hard guide. So if she picks up a book that is not on the hard guide I have to hook the hardware up to the computer and mix up downloads around. That is too time consuming for me. Not sure that I would repeat this purchase if I had to do it all over again.
- Mills2

The 4 year old left it in the median of the road, it got run over and soothe facility.Outcome water-resistant
- Jimmy Bowers

I purchased this manufactured goods pro aid as I went to the hospital to have a extra little lone form a junction including our family so including the intention of my two year ancient would have bounty to do even as staying including his grandparents and to aid pro lingering trip car trips. This will not suit either of these uses as there are single a total of four books which can be stored on the Tag Jr. The idea is great, the interaction is skilled, if you single aspire to aid it at home where you can change out the books on a fixed basis it would be a skilled toy. Though, if you aspire it pro longer trips away early home, I would preview pro a further choice.
- Ashley Reinhold "Newsie"

I am happy including the overall thought and performance of the Tag Junior system; however, I am disappointed to find that it doesn't hold that many books. It comes including a short vowel book set, and in addition to that I purchased several other books. When I took it home, I discovered that after downloading the short vowel book set, there was only enough memory for two more books. I just wish there was more memory interval because now I have three more book titles that I'm not now using including the system.
- Hillary Walsh

I was extremely excited as I approved Reconnoiter, the Tag tome buddy, pro my 2 time old child pro Christmas. My child loves to read and is extremely smart pro his get on to grown-up (I'm guaranteed many mothers say that, keep pro it's extremely real). Flush if he is a instant apprentice and has a generous vocabulary, this manufactured goods wasn't as get on to grown-up apt or user-forthcoming as I had hoped. I don't mentality the tiny amount of memories interval, since excessively many books uploaded at one calculate won't call a 2-time-old's attention span, anyway. The genuine top of the toy is what I'm disappointed including. It's a splendid idea, keep pro the affect of Reconnoiter makes it hard to reflect it over everywhere only so he is pointing to on the leaf. Consequently, it doesn't easily caution what Reconnoiter says to the terms on the leaf or the cinema it refers to, and my child gets frustrated tiresome to get on to it to work accurately. It's also a crumb piece generous pro tiny hands. Clear, the potential pin is located aptly everywhere he holds it, and it's extremely easy pro him to curve it on and off. As it does potential on/off, Reconnoiter makes a modest musical signal. My child takes financial help of this greatly extra than by it be fond of it's in detail predestined to be played including, which can get on to grating extremely promptly to pocket reflect it over of that constant annotation over and over. The potential pin beyond disbelief must be placed another road or be a batter as a substitution for of a pin. I'm not guaranteed why this toy was rated pro family as childish as 12 months, since that's indeed not real. Maybe if it was up to the parents to call Reconnoiter and step it over the books it would work best, keep pro if your outcome is as nature-determining as give that wouldn't pocket wing. This is held to promote nature-determining conception skills, keep pro it takes a modest extra deftness to plan than what a outcome 2 being and younger has.I really fancy I had dead including the fixed Tag conception system including the doodle as a substitution for. My child loves chocolate and holds a pencil water supply, so I believe that top would work best pro pointing at equipment in the tome. It would also serve extra as a conception tool that's predestined to go including the books rather than a modest fake dog that looks be fond of a mess about toy all on its confess. And FYI, the Tag doodle WILL read the grown-up amount Tag books as water supply as the Tag insignificant books. It may keep you approximately cash to only approve of the Tag conception system if this manufactured goods facility water supply pro your outcome and you aspire it to enhancement including him/her. I didn't admit that at the calculate I purchased this, keep pro really fancy I did. Overall, I rank this at 3 stars only since I reflect the idea is great, keep pro if not would NOT urge it pro a outcome 2 being old or younger. It may be extra apt quicker to 4 being old, keep pro as I understood before to, you would at that calculate be best off export the fixed Tag doodle.
- H. Brown

I bought this for my 20 month old. She decided she sought after to bang it on the books extremely than tap it and it held up to her torment. I'll let her have a additional go at it when she gets older because she doesn't grasp the concept yet. The other breakdown is the on/off switch located on the feature of the product. She would constantly get behind it and hence turn it off.
- Snow White

My daughter unquestionably loves this toy. It's one of her all-time favorites, and she's spent hours conception the books to herself and dancing to the gifted music for the various books. So why only three stars? The reminiscence. In an era where most reminiscence chips are measured in GB, this toy has only 5 MB of storage space. That's right: 5 MB. That's the rough corresponding of three 3.5" floppies. Unfortunately, the uncommon books each take between .6-1.0 MB of storage space, and the vowel sounds books (her favorites) take a total of 3.5 MB (and unfortunately, you have to download all of the five books, which only foliage space for one or two bonus books). Honestly, this has worked to the company's drawback, as I've stopped export Tag Jr books for my daughter since it's such a pain to sync new books to the contrivance (you have to use a mini USB to connect it to your pad with the Leapfrog software installed). Really, this needs to have at least twice the space to be more workable. If it was 50 MB, we'd probably have every Tag Jr book they offer. As it is now, we'll probably just stop with the ones we've bought by now. Really, it's a shame.
- Shepherd_Wood

LeapFrog LeapReader Junior Book Pal - Violet

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